yourself clever eh? Well the name of next week's monster is the...
(Volcano God)

“...this muscular
giant seems composed of magma itself with the heat surrounding it searing
the air and distorting your view. Much like a mighty centaur but with
the hindquarters of a lion and the torso of a humanoid. Its charcoal black
skin is like basalt, cracked and broken in places and seeping white hot
lava which rapidly cools into yellows and reds before reverting back into
black stone. Its face is some horned demonic composite of lion and wolf,
its glowing white eyes literally burn with fury. Two great curved horns,
glowing white hot, end in snake-like heads. From its back, beat a pair
of wings composed entirely of flame. While in its hands it carries a blackened
metal sword whose tip glows white hot. Upon seeing you it roars a challenge
and charges to attack...”
Chaos-spawn devastators. The cherufe are the corrupted
brood of orichalcum dragons. Those few that find themselves on the earthly
plane are worshipped by some as volcano gods, for it is in these areas
they favor. Amidst the elemental chaos they can serve even more powerful
monsters either as henchmen to demon princes or ‘mere’ guards
for even more powerful primordials.
Cherufe Tactics
The cherufe will attack the strongest warrior with burning blade, branding
it and attempting its tail snare for the follow-up ice bite the next round.
Those at mid range will be accosted with its hotspots attack. Troublesome
targets at long range will be subjected to magma missile.
Cherufe Lore
Religion DC 25: Very powerful elemental monsters who live in the heart
of volcanoes.
Religion DC 30: Those cherufe who dwell in mortal realms are often worshipped
as gods by some cultures. The cherufe are thought to actively cultivate
this worship or at least tolerate it. Typically cherufe’s just destroy
everything thats anathema to them. Some cherufe serve as henchmen for
even more powerful creatures such as demon princes and primordials.
Religion DC 35: The cherufe can drain the heat from a target leaving only
frozen husks which it delights in smashing.
Encounter Group
“Fight Fire with Fire”
Level 29 Encounter (XP 91,000)
. 2 chaos wights (level 27 skirmishers)
. 1 adze swarm (level 33 brute)
. 1 cherufe (level 30 elite soldier)
Cherufe |
30 Elite Soldier |
elemental humanoid (giant) |
38,000 |
+23 |
Perception +22, darkvision |
Haze Aura 3, 15 fire damage and ranged attacks suffer a -2
penalty to attack against the cherufe (even if the attacker is outside
the aura). |
Cloud (replaces heat haze when bloodied) Aura 5, 30 acid
and fire damage and all enemies (inside and outside the cloud) suffer
a -2 attack penalty against the cherufe. |
560; Bloodied 280 |
46; Fortitude 44, Reflex 39, Will
41 |
fire Resist 5 all (except cold); Vulnerable
10 cold |
Throws +2 |
12 |
Points 1 |
Blade (standard, at-will) - Fire, Weapon |
Reach 4; +37 vs. AC; 3d8
+ 11 damage plus an ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends) and the target
is marked.. |
m Branded
(marked target) - Fire |
While marked the target cannot heal any fire damage
dealt to it. |
(move, at-will) - Fire |
With a stomp the cherufe can cause a geyser of fire
to erupt from the ground. Range 10; Close burst 1; +35 vs. Reflex;
2d6 + 11 fire damage and the target is knocked prone. These hotspots
remain until the cherufe is slain dealing 10 points of fire damage
to anyone passing through them. |
Tail Snare
(minor; at-will) - Fire |
Reach 5, +35 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 11 fire damage and the
target is pulled adjacent to the cherufe and grabbed (until escape). |
Ice Bite (standard; requires combat advantage, at-will)
- Cold, Healing |
The cherufe’s serpentine horns bite the target,
draining the heat from its body. Reach 3; +37 vs. AC; 4d10 + 11 cold
damage and the target is weakened (save ends). Any fire resistance
the creature possesses is added to the damage it suffers from this
attack! The cherufe heals for the same amount as the damage inflicted. |
Tectonic tear (standard; encounter; recharges when bloodied)
- Fire |
The cherufe plunges its blade into the ground causing
a localized eruption of magma. Ranged 30; Close burst 3, +35 vs. Reflex;
5d10 + 11 fire damage and the target is knocked prone for the initial
eruption. See minor volcanic eruption hazard. |
Magma Missile (standard; at-will) - Fire
The cherufe hurls part of its body at attackers, diminishing
itself in the process. Range 60; Close Burst 1; +35 vs. Reflex; 3d8
+ 11 damage plus 3d8 + 11 fire damage and 15 ongoing fire damage.
After Effect: 10 ongoing fire damage. Each time the cherufe uses this
attack it loses 30 hit points. |
Body - Fire |
Any critical hit dealt upon the cherufe by a melee weapon
weakens the attackers weapon (weapon deals half damage until repaired). |
Chaotic Evil |
Common |
Bluff +28, Intimidate +28 |
32 (+26) |
21 (+21) |
15 (+17) |
32 (+26) |
15 (+17) |
26 (+23) |
Volcanic Eruption |
26 Blaster |
Hazard |
9000 |
The ground
suddenly explodes showering the area in magma and debris. |
The initial eruption fills an area equal to a close burst 3 then lava
spreads out increasing the close burst by 1 square per round (up to
close burst 10 after 7 rounds). In addition, smaller fractures can
cause lesser geysers of lava to erupt if trod upon. |
Perception |
No check is necessary
to notice the eruption |
Trigger |
The eruption rolls initiative
whenever one or more characters move within 10 squares of it. |
Attack |
Standard Action |
Close Burst 3 |
Creatures in burst
Attack: +29 vs. Reflex
Hit: 5d10 + 11 fire damage and followup
Followup: +29 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Ongoing 15 fire damage and the target is knocked prone
Miss: Half Damage |
Secondary Attack |
Standard Action |
Close Burst 1 |
Creatures within 10 squares of the epicenter of the primary attack
Attack: +29 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + 11 fire damage and followup
Followup: +29 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Ongoing 5 fire damage and the target is knocked prone
Miss: Half Damage |
Countermeasure |
A character
in the burst can minimize the damage with a DC 31 Athletics check
made as an immediate interupt before the eruption’s attack.
With a successful check, the character takes half damage if the eruption
hits and no damage if it misses. |