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galactus & silver surfer | blessings

Throne of Orcus (pt.1)

Epic Adventure Design

Known Old Ones


New Special Materials


Various Monsters

Clay Colossus

Revising Epic Feats

Weapons (Final Fantasy)

New Feats (and Spell System)

Crown Naga

Revising Salient Divine Abilities


Epic Tarrasque

King Ghidorah


Conversion Table 2: Divine Rank by HD/Levels

Conversion Table 1: Divine Rank by Comparisons

Galactus, the world devourer, is one of the great cosmic characters of all time. Survivor of the previous big bang he became an intricate part of the universe, but is now cursed with the hunger that only feasting on planets can quell, and then only temporarily.

With any luck we will get to see both Galactus and the Silver Surfer in the sequel to the Fantastic Four movie.

Use of 'Galactus' or 'Silver Surfer' here is not done in the course of trade and is not intended as a challenge to any trademarks.

Galactus (The World Devourer)

Huge Outsider (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 200d100+24,800 x2 (Cosmic Entity) (89,600 hp)
Initiative: +48 (+8 Dex, +32 Divine, +8 Improved Initiative/Superior Initiative)
Speed: 600 ft. (120 squares), Fly superluminal
Armor Class: 436 (-2 size, +8 Dex, +32 divine, +50 natural, +120 deflection, +218 +90 orichalcum huge full platemail), touch 37, flat-footed 53
Base Att/Grapple: +200/+307
Attack: Slam +297 melee (10d10+67)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +297 melee (10d10+67)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Kinetic bolts, power cosmic, psionics, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Cosmic traits (Old One), DR 190/-, force field (300 points), outsider traits, regeneration 100, SR 242, summon herald, superluminal
Saves: Fort +260, Ref +144, Will +197
Abilities: Str 145, Dex 27, Con 258, Int 125, Wis 125, Cha 250
Skills: Omnicompetent - 203 ranks in all skills
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Epic Feats: Automatic Metapsionic Capacity (x24), Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction (x30), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Will, Metapsionic Freedom, Polyglot, Superior Initiative
Environment: Outer Space
Organization: Solitary (unique); or with herald
Challenge Rating: 190 (assumes Galactus encountered without the benefit of Taa II or the Ultimate Nullifier)
Treasure: Armour of Galactus, Taa II, Ultimate Nullifier plus Standard
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 201-299 HD (Huge), 300-449 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: n/a

[Galactus generally appears as a giant version of viewers race. Therefore if viewed by a human] This giant humanoid stands 28 feet tall, and wears purple and blue armour of unknown design. The upper part of his face is covered by an ornate horned helm but you can discern that his pupils are square, rather than round.

[Details of Galactus' history can be found here.]


Galactus will generally ignore opposition until he sustains any damage. He typically does not involve himself in melee, instead prefering to rely on his massive reality shaping and energy based assaults.

Galactus' natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields are treated as being epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Cosmic Consciousness (Ex):

Cosmic String (Ex): Galactus can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or greater stature to himself. Otherwise he rejuvenates within 1d10 minutes. During this time he could be subject to imprisonment of some kind.

Cosmic Toughness (Ex): Galactus Hit Dice become d100s.

Divine Traits: Galactus is effectively an old one and as such adds a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Force Field (Su): Galactus can erect a force field to protect himself from all assaults that would cause physical damage. This force field prevents the first 300 points of damage sustained and recharges at a rate of 6 points/round.

Immunities (Ex): Galactus is immune to all natural effects, and all non-epic magical effects and items. Treat Galactus as if radiating a personal anti-magic field.

Kinetic Bolts (Su): Galactus can deliver blasts of damage dealing 200d20 (average 2100) damage each round. This damage can be divided amongst multiple targets. He can instead choose to deal 400d20 (average 4200) damage,

Power Cosmic (Su): Galactus wields the power cosmic, which gives him the following list of abilities. However, each use of the power cosmic increases his hunger by 10 days, forcing him to feed (on planets). Galactus must feed every 30 days to sustain his power, for every 30 day period he goes without consuming a planet, his divine status drops to the next lowest rank.

  • Galactus can increase the power of his kinetic bolts to 200d100 (average 11,000) damage using the power cosmic.
  • Galactus can augment any (or all) of his ability scores by +64 for 1d10 hours.

Psionics: As a 100th-level psion (Caster Level 132nd).

Summon Herald (Sp): At will, Galactus can summon his Herald to his side. See below for details.

Superluminal (Ex): Galactus flies at the speed of light.


  • Armour of Galactus (Progress Level 10: Temporal Age). +90 Orichalcum Full Platemail
  • Taa II: Worldship (Spaceship as large as a Planet, also Progress Level 10)
  • The Ultimate Nullifier (weapon capable of destroying any target, even a universe, Progress Level 12).

Silver Surfer

Huge Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
Hit Dice: 50d20+800 (1800 hp)
Initiative: +30 (+14 Dex, +8 Divine, +8 Improved Initiative/Superior Initiative)
Speed: 120 ft. (24 squares), Fly superluminal
Armor Class: 90 (+14 Dex, +8 divine, +50 natural, +8 deflection), touch 40, flat-footed 76
Base Att/Grapple: +50/+74
Attack: Slam +90 melee (2d6+16)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +90 (2d6+16)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Cosmic blast, psionics
Special Qualities: DR 40/-, divine traits (Lesser Deity), force field, immunities, outsider traits, regeneration 25, SR 68
Saves: Fort +51, Ref +49, Will +48
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 38, Con 42, Int 13, Wis 36, Cha 31
Skills: Omnicompetent - 53 ranks in all skills.
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction (x5), Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Will, Superior Initiative
Environment: Outer Space
Organization: Solitary; or attending Galactus
Challenge Rating: 45
Treasure: Cosmic Surfboard
Alignment: Neutral Good
Level Adjustment: n/a

This humanoid stands 6 feet tall and resembles a bald, naked man fashioned completely from silver.

[Details of Silver Surfer's history can be found here.]


The Silver Surfer will generally react to attacks, rather than initiate them. Usually gauging the measure of opponents before unleashing his full power.

The Silver Surfer's natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields are treated as being epic and good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Cosmic Blast (Su): The Silver Surfer can unleast a blast of cosmic energy dealing 50d4 (average 125) damage each round. This blast has a range of sight and travels at superluminal speed. The Surfer can instead choose to deal 100d4 (average 250) damage, however he must then wait 1d4 rounds before he can use this ability again. Alternately the Surfer can choose to deal 150d4 (average 375) requiring 1d4 minutes to recharge, or even 200d4 (average 500) requiring 1d4 hours to recharge.

Divine Traits: The Silver Surfer is effectively a Lesser Deity and as such adds a +8 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Force Field (Su): Silver Surfer can erect a force field to protect himself from all assaults that would cause physical damage. This force field prevents the first 50 points of damage sustained and recharges at a rate of 1point/round.

Immunities (Ex): Silver Surfer is immune to all natural effects. He would be immune to the heat at the centre of a sun, but would not be immune to a magic fireball spell. He would be immune to poison from a snake, but not posion from a magical creature like a medusa.

Psionics: As a 25th-level psion (Caster Level 33rd).

Possessions: Cosmic Surfboard, allows the owner to exceed the speed of light and travel through time. It can also enter hyperspace (treat as greater teleport) and cross any dimensional gulfs (treat as plane shift). The board (and its rider) can phase; gaining incorporeal traits.

Heralds of Galactus: Galactus has had many heralds in his time, following is a list of the main heralds who have served him at one time or another. I would suggest each to have 40+1d10 Hit Dice. Any artifacts carried will be in the 50 million GP value (weapons will be roughly +50 total enchantment and special weapon abilities).

  • The Fallen One: Double Entropy Portfolios
  • The Silver Surfer: detailed above.
  • Air-Walker: Air and Fire Portfolios, wears the Cloak of Fire
  • The (Asgardian) Destroyer: Special Automaton, treat as Orichalcum Guardian
  • Firelord: Double Fire Portfolios, wields Firestaff (+25 Fire Nexus weapon).
  • Nova: Double Fire Portfolios
  • Terrax: Double Earth Portfolios, wields Cosmic Halberd
  • Morg: Law and War Portfolios, wields Cosmic Axe
  • Red Shift: ?, wields Cosmic Sword
  • Stardust: Magic and War Portfolios, wields Cosmic Glaive
Unless stated otherwise, all content © 2001-2006 Craig Cochrane. All rights reserved.