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2nd September 2008 Cloverfield Monster for 4E! Okay so the previous update was a tad lame. But this should make up for it. Exalted Tier? Mega-gargantuan!? Just what are you on about there Krusty? :+) 31st August 2008 So Whats Happening!? Apologies for the severe lack of updates. As many of you might be aware, the Game System License (GSL) hasn't had a great start and Wizards of the Coast are meant to be in the process of revising it. In the long term I don't think thats going to be a problem. However, in the short term it has affected to a small degree in that I haven't as yet given the go ahead for my artists to start. Yes I did say artists. I now have two artists interested in working with me, so once I get my 4th Edition material underway I should be able to concentrate on the writing for the most part. Clearly Godsend is not going to happen in August now. However, I think I may be able to put together an early unillustrated version within two weeks. The plan at this stage is to give away the Gods portion of the book for free (probably half the book) but the full and final pdf will probably have a small price tag depending on how much makes it in to the final version. 20th July 2008 Elder Evils...well sort of! Was replying to an email about how to convert the Elder Evils to 4th Edition and I thought that might make an interesting short article for the website so I have added the information, here, at the bottom of the 3E to 4E Conversion table. I also added a little bit more to my D&D Movie script/synopsis, which you can find here. 20th June 2008 Expanded Damage Tables for 4E! Added another new table, here, for those looking to create their own 4th Edition uber monsters of Levels 31 and above. 19th June 2008 Future Plans for the Immortals Handbook! Often the best laid plans go astray...especially in my case. But here are my future plans nonetheless: August 2008: Immortals Handbook: Godsend (3/3.5 Edition) - My farewell to 3.5, will include the gods part of of the previously titled Gods & Monsters, Version 6 of the CR/EL document, some new monsters from me as well as all the Design an Epic Monster Competition winners, will also likely include elements planned for Grimoire and Chronicle such as dimensional magic rules, new artifacts and divine realm encounter creator. November 2008 (tentative date): Immortals Handbook (4th Edition) - The successor to Ascension. February 2009 (tentative date). Gods & Monsters (4th Edition) - The successor to the Epic Bestiary (about 75% new monsters, 25% updated). May 2009 (tentative date). Immortals Index (4th Edition) - Almost certainly will be about the Greek Mythos. August 2009 (very tentative date). An Adventure - name undisclosed (4th Edition) - For Levels 31-33. I'll hold off on revealing any specifics about 4th Edition (though I am sure I have already explained the basics of 4E Immortality on the forums). I have tried to correct most of the pages on this website to reflect these new plans. 13th June 2008 Competition Winners - Full Results! Friday the 13th, be careful out there if you're superstitious. Okay, it took me longer than I anticipated, but I finally sorted out the winners. Of course I had to cheat and make it 16 winners, rather than 6 as I initially planned, but what the nine hells eh! :+) Tier 1 Winners (win free pdf and print version of the book their entry is used within, and also gain the original art for that monster probably drawn by me). Public Chosen Primary Winners (listed in order of votes)
Eternity Publishing Chosen Primary Winners (listed by entry number)
Tier 2 Winners (win free pdf their entry is used within). Eternity Publishing Chosen Primary Winners (listed by entry number)
Congratulations to all the winners, all those who entered and all those who voted. I think my next competition may be something to do with artifacts... ;-) 12th June 2008 Conversion Table: 3rd Edition to 4th Edition! Just added a new table, here, for those looking to convert epic and immortal characters and monsters from one system to the other. Obviously works both ways, don't want to forget those diehard 3rd Edition fans. ;-) 9th June 2008 Wizards of the Coast present 4th Edition Yeenoghu! Okay, Wotc have a free 4th Edition pdf, link here, detailing the following:
I'd hazard a guess most of this information will end up in the forthcoming 4th Edition Manual of the Planes due at the end of the year. Some personal comments: Very nice article, sets up Yeenoghu as a Demigod (by my 4th Edition reckoning that is - not theirs), indirectly a Level 37 character. Nezrebe doesn't qualify for what I would have originally deemed an Exarch (Standard Level 31, Level 27 Elite or Level 22 Solo) - I initially equated Exarch with my Exalted Tier and thus Quasi-deity/Demi-deity. But thats no big deal. In addition I was thinking that an Avatar would be ten levels lower (sometimes a position subsumed by an Exarch) and an Aspect 20 levels lower, modified for power role (+5 Levels if Elite, +9 Levels if a Standard monster). However, we can again assume that due to not being a full immortal (unlike Orcus), Yeenoghu may only have these 'aspects' approx. 10 levels lower. 9th June 2008 New Poll: What Mythologies/Pantheons do you want detailed (in 4E)! Started a new poll here, to see which Pantheons and Mytholgies people are most interested in seeing in a future 4th Edition version of the Immortals Index. 8th June 2008 Design an Epic Monster Contest Public Winners! Voting has closed on the Design an Epic Monster Contest. Thanks to all those who voted and special thanks to all those who entered. The winners are as follows: Alzrius: Superior Half-Dragon Template(s) I changed the public voted winners from 3 to 4, because I just don't like the Omega Template (sorry Alzrius mate - then again we already discussed this on email). ;-) I still have my three favourites to decide upon and I'll make those known over the next few days...I only have two decided so far. Winners will get a free copy of the pdf and print book wherein their monster appears (even if its my 4E reinterpretation of that monster in some later book) as well as the original art for that monster illustrated by me or the new hired artist I haven't revealed yet. I am also considering adding all the monsters to an appendix for my next (and last) 3.5 Edition book, before I make the jump to 4th Edition. But I'll discuss that on the forums. 7th June 2008 4th Edition is upon us! Okay, I got the books yesterday. Yes they are lovely aren't they. Special thanks to the nameless person who sent me the pdfs the week before the release, which I only accepted because I knew for a fact I was definately buying the hardcopy versions as soon as possible no matter what. Special thanks also to Alister Mathers who drove me to the store yesterday, 11 miles in 40 minutes during rush hour traffic to get to the store before it closed. Never thought we would make it. Good to know all those hours playing racing game finally paid off. :+) 9th May 2008 Design an Epic Monster Contest Voting Open! Hey there, just to let you know that the voting for the Design an Epic Monster Contest is now open. You can vote here. Also note that you can vote for multiple entries. The three with the most votes (along with three other winners I personally pick) will appear in one of my future books* and the winners will also get to keep the original artwork (and a free copy of the pdf and print version of the book their entry shows up in). *Possibly converted to 4th Edition (not sure at this point), but the designer will still get full credit. 24th April 2008 4th Edition Plans!? The news last week about 4th Edition licensing basically stipulates that after a publisher adopts 4th Edition it can no longer make 3rd Edition (or 3.5) material, nor can it keep selling existing 3rd Edition product lines. Secondly, apart from a select few third party publishers who get to go early, the first opportunity for most of us will be the 1st of October 2008. As most of you know, I have been a supporter of 4th Edition (or at least what I have seen of it up to now) for the reasons that it is both mechanically better balanced, especially at epic levels, and it is much simpler (and thus quicker) to design for. Both of those factors make adopting it the obvious choice for me. So its not a matter of if, but rather when I'll move over to 4th Edition. So the question becomes what to do in the interim between now (or rather, when I get the Ascension pdf art completed) and then ('Then' being when I make the move). The two options would seem to be either continue on with 3rd Edition pdfs (and at this juncture print versions of 3rd Edition material seem unlikely) or do I start working on something for 4th Edition, initially at least, a 4E variant of Ascension would seem the most prudent. Taking into account that usually I need a good amount of prep time to get things done (although that should be halved in future with the artist now onboard). I want to hear some feedback on the matter before I make any decision. So feel free to email me at or let me know on the forums here. 23rd April 2008 Happy Saint George's Day! Apologies for the lack of updates both with regards this website and the Ascension pdf. Had my first holiday for four years at the start of April and had a devil of a sore throat plaguing me all this week. I'll try and get an update for about the 3rd of May (or thereabouts). The good news is I have been approached by a professional artist and we have agreed terms for all future books. Unfortunately that doesn't include Ascension (at least, not the 3rd Edition version anyway. But it should mean all future books arrive fast and thick. I'll announce who it is at a later date when we have something collaborative to show. You still have one week to enter the Design an Epic Monster Competition here. From the 1st of May I will close the competition and set about judging the entries. 21st March 2008 Ascension 3.1 pdf available Sunday!? Okay minor problem - I have 3.1 on RPGNow as we speak, however, there doesn't seem to be any feature to edit the release date, so unless I can find one, the file won't be available until Sunday. If that is the case I apologise. If I cannot fix the update tonight I'll see about squeezing in another illustration or two tomorrow. I'll update 3.1 to everyone else when it becomes available on RPGNow. The product page on RPGNow is here. In the meantime here is one of the new illustrations... Immortal Thor is angry at the delay(s) too! 20th March 2008 Ascension pdf release tomorrow! At the moment I have the Ascension beta (3.0) uploaded to will activate this Sunday (23rd March) becoming available for purchase. However, that is just a back up plan (my computer has been making funny noises). I plan to upload a 3.1 version (with more art) to rpgnow late tomorrow (Friday 21st) and then make it available as soon as I upload it. The price of the pdf is $15.00. Which although higher than the $13.95 I initially posted (when I began this project back in 2006) is only $1.05 more and I am getting absolutely shredded by the current exchange rate and higher royalties from RPGNow, actually making the same per copy of Ascension as the $8.95 Bestiary when initially released. Regarding RPGNow I must say that their new format for uploading is so much faster and simpler than what I remember (admittedly that was actually a few years ago), but I applaud them for that. They have also been very helpful and fast to respond to my enquiries. Good work all concerned. When I get the 3.1 document available I will also be looking to set up for download at as well. But first things first. ;-) Anyone who preordered Ascension will of course be getting all the updates via the usual channels. Can I just say a big thank you to those people who have stuck by my delays, especially those who purchased the beta. I know its been a terribly drawn out affair and I humbly apologise to each and every one of you. I'll learn from this experience, try not to make the same mistakes again and somehow make it up to you all in the (hopefully near) future. 16th March 2008 Ascension pdf release in a few days time! Okay I thought I'd have Ascension onsale today, but thats not going to be possible, and with me working the next few days (or nights rather) that means the pdf launch will not be ready until about Friday (21st March). Sorry for the inconvenience but at least we know its imminent. 13th March 2008 Ascension 3.0 beta (full text...finally)! I updated Ascension late last night. This version not only has the full text completed but also the added Psionics Appendix (thanks to Jedrious and Alzrius for the latter). The plan is still to have Ascension available at RPGNow this weekend, however, I seem to recall something about not being able to add updates to their website over the weekend, so that may throw a spanner in the works until early next week. But I'll keep you posted. For those who are interested I also added a little bit more on my D&D movie idea: Dungeons & Dragons: Tomb of Horrors here. 6th March 2008 RIP Gary Gygax (1938-2008). I guess everyone knows by now that the Father of Roleplaying, Gary Gygax, died a few days ago. Even though we never met I must admit to shedding a few tears at his passing. Outside of my immediate family I don't think anyone has impacted my life so greatly as did he. I swopped a handful of emails with the great man some six years ago and his enthusiasm, insight and intelligence always shone through. At the time I remember thinking "I am swopping emails with Gary Gygax - how cool is that!" I really couldn't believe how friendly and accomodating he was. My lasting memory of the great man is quite amusing. I actually still remember the first day Gary appeared on ENWorld under the guise of Col_Pladoh, not revealing at the time his true identity. Some argument ensued whereby a poster by the name ColonelHardisson (who is a decent chap by all accounts) got something of a bee in his bonnet (the specifics of which now escape my memory but may have been because he believed this Col_Pladoh was pretending to be Gary Gygax) and proceeded to lambast this upstart 'faker' and told him to get off the boards one line was something like "Theres only one real Colonel on these message boards". When it was revealed that not only was this person in truth Gary Gygax, but that also Gary was actually an honourary Colonel, he was so embarrased it was unreal. It seems ColonelHardisson also remembers the incident here. I also remember Gary getting a kick out of the present I gave him for his 64th birthday when I made the well wishing thread on ENWorld play the Beatles: "When I'm Sixty-Four" music. It was heart-warming to know I had raised a chuckle from the great man. Rest in peace Gary...and thanks for everything. 6th March 2008 Ascension Launch Iminent! Just to give you a heads up I am gearing up for a launch of the Ascension pdf over the 15th/16th March weekend. 24th January 2008 Design an Epic Monster Competition! Okay, for all you budding Epic Monster Designers, this ones for you. Rules:
24th January 2008 Epic Feats & Familiars by Shane O'Connor! Thought I would brief you on a product by our good friend Shane O'Connor (who you may know better as Alzrius on ENWorld) called Epic Feats & Familiars. Shane is one of the editors on my Epic Bestiary and Ascension, so although I didn't have any input into this pdf, I think I can vouch for his epic credentials. You can purchase the pdf (11 pages for only $1.99) here. If you like that, Shane also has a second pdf entitled Mega-Feats Vol. II. Although, that one is non-epic in nature.You can purchase the pdf (25 pages for only $4.99) here. 20th January 2008 Competition Winners Announced! Long overdue, in part due to my own delays on Ascension is the winners to the art competition. While John Becaro's amazing Typhon art was already a winner in my eyes, the idea was always to use that as a two page spread somewhere in the book. But as for the Typhon entry illustration itself I think the entry by "Retinal Haze" fits best with my own illustration style, so thats my winner. Congratulations. Winners get their art and credit in the book as well as free copies. But a big thanks to all those who entered the competition ("kingkostas", John Becaro, "Retinal Haze", "Aradin Magmaforge" and Mike Iffrig) all the pictures were superb, and an extra special thanks to Mike Iffrig for arranging the whole thing in the first place and for his unabashed enthusiasm for multi-headed dragons. However, the next competition won't necessarily require you to be a talented artist, instead it will be one for all you budding epic monster designers. I'll announce details of that competition over the next few days. 20th January 2008 News Update! I am currently on hiatus from my other job for the next few weeks, so I am working towards getting Ascension wrapped up...once and for all. Thanks to everyone who voted in the Epic Monster Poll, it looks like Epic Dragons, Lovecraftian, Pseudonaturals, Abominations, Angels and Devils are what people would like to see first, so I will be working towards making that happen as soon as possible. |
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